SALE spare parts for HP9845

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SALE spare parts for HP9845

Post by HP9845B »

sale HP9845 desk top calculator spare parts (price to be negotiated):

09845-60302 Rear Panel 6 pcs on stock
09845-66502 I/O Backplane 4 pcs on stock
09845-66503 Alpha Control 3 pcs on stock
09845-66505 Keyboard Interconnect Bezel 4 pcs on stock
09845-66511 Processor Assembly 2 pcs on stock
09845-66512 Memory Address Extension 1 pc on stock
09845-66515A Language Processor - Memory Controller 6 pcs on stock
09845-66516B Peripheral Processor - Memory Controller 7 pcs on stock
09845-66517 Logic Voltage Assembly 2 pcs on stock
09845-66518 Internal Power Supply 3 pcs on stock
09845-66519 Motor Voltage Assembly 3 pcs on stock
09845-66520 Primary Power Supply Assembly 4 pcs on stock
09845-66526 128 kBytes R/W Memory 3 pcs on stock
09845-66527 Peripheral RAM/ROM 4 pcs on stock
09845-66528 Language RAM/ROM 4 pcs on stock
09845-66529 Peripheral RAM/ROM 2 pcs on stock
09845-66532 Keyboard Logic 6 pcs on stock
09845-66534 Regulator Assembly 1 pc on stock
09845-66536 Interface Assembly 1 pc on stock
09845-66537 Data Path 1 pc on stock
09845-66538 Processor Control 1 pc on stock
09845-66539 Interconnect Panel 2 pcs on stock
09845-66542 LPU ROM Drawer 11 pcs on stock
09845-66544 PPU ROM Drawer 13 pps on stock
09845-66545 PPU ROM Drawer 1 pc on stock
09845-66540 LPU ROM Drawer 1 pc on stock
09845-66546 Language RAM/ROM 2 pcs on stock
09845-66551 Printer Control Logic 4 pcs on stock
09845-66553 Interconnect Assembly 7 pcs on stock
09845-66555 Motor Control & Graphics Interconnect Assembly 8 pcs on stock
09845-66561 Cartridge Drive Logic 10 pcs on stock
09845-66581 Primary Power 6 pcs on stock
09845-66582 Internal Power 5 pcs on stock
09845-66583 Logic Voltage 6 pcs on stock
09845-66584 Motor Voltage 7 pcs on stock
09845-66585 Regulator 9 pcs on stock
09845-66590 512 kBytes R/W Memory 2 pcs on stock
09845-67155 Keyswitch Assembly (with keycaps) 4 pcs on stock
09845-67161 Print Head Module 11 pcs on stock
09845-67163 Print Head 10 pcs on stock
09845-67930 Bit-Slice Language Processor 2 pcs on stock
09845-67952 Thermal Printer Unit 3 pcs on stock
09845-67954 Paper Advance 14 pcs on stock
09845-67962 Cartridge Drive 2 pcs on stock
09845-67980 Power Supply 2 pcs on stock
09845-67981 Power Supply 1 pc on stock
service hp desktop calculators
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